rant: crate & barrel's fight against breast cancer rave: nephews

Crate & Barrel is joining in the fight against breast cancer. On December 2 from 6pm to 9pm, they will be hosting an event to benefit Breast Cancer Resource Center of Austin at their north austin store (in the gateway shopping center). C&B will donate 20% of their sales from that night to them. So come out and start your Christmas shopping and support a wonderful cause! There will be prizes, wine bar & appetizers too :)

On a different note: i went to corpus over the second half of my thanksgiving break to see my two nephews. it was so much fun being able to play with nicholas and see little noah. they are so darn cute that i just had to share some more photos of them...enjoy!

noah thinking if he should go back to sleep

making kissy lips...

big brother nicholas with his blue leap frog


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