rant: skin care & technology

as i've gotten older, i've become more diligent about taking care of my skin.  okay, diligent isn't the right word...obsessed? militant? indulgent?  as a teen i had acne and my mommy was awesome enough to send me to a dermatologist. treatment ranged from using dial soap to wash my face to antibiotics to salicylic acid gels. the best thing that came out of all that was the habit of washing my face twice daily no matter how tired or late i was.

over the years, i have tried many products, from grocery store products to doctor prescribed.  I'm a believer in switching around and trying different products.  i'm lucky to have a sister who is also obsessed with facial care so we're always sharing info and products.

in the past i have used some full systems and some times i mix and match. some systems/products i have tried are:

patricia wexler m.d.

  • acnescription
  • mmpi 20 skin regenerating serum
  • fastscription instant de-puff eye gel
  • dual action foaming cleanser
  • intensive night reversal & repair cream
  • intensive 3-in-1 eye cream: lifting, firming, anti-wrinkle formula
philosophy miracle worker miraculous anti-aging eye cream
neostrata foaming glycolic wash
(at some point i will write about these products too.  if you want my opinion about any of them let me know.) 

the last system i finished was the obagi nu-derm and it was good.  according to their website, "the obagi nu-derm system is an anti-aging therapy that penetrates below the skin’s surface to transform skin cell functions at the cellular level and correct the damage within... revealing healthy, younger-looking skin." my skin did look and feel healthier.  the main reason i wanted to use obagi was to lighten/eliminate some of my freckles.  don't get me wrong...i love my freckles. i just didn't like that more were appearing and some were joining forces to look more like age/sun spots.  being a regular runner, not being outside was not an option.  and even with spf 70+, the freckles were gaining. obagi did help with the freckles but my skin felt a little thinned out. 

so most recently i've been using a glycolic face wash, cerava lotion and avene retrinal.  and it's been great.  but my skin has been acting wonky for whatever reason. so at my last visit to costco, i walked by all the beauty/skin care stuff and i see a line of products and noticed they have all be marked for clearance (when things end in $.97 at costco, that means they are marking them down to move the item.) so i used my trusty iphone to google what's up with this stuff and if it was a good price.  and this is what i found.

the skin care line is somme institute. a couple basics about the company:
  • founded on a simple premise: "skin care companies should deliver the claims they promise."
  • there's over 7 years of testing, development and tracking
  • they developed a proprietary technology called MDT5 - molecular dispersion technology 5
so i googled and researched reviews and results and people have raved about it.  so i've decided to try it out.  usually, there's 5 steps, but most people did not like or were ambivalent about step 5 so i've decided to stick to my own sunscreen. if you are a fan of the product/line, check your local costco.  here in austin, the prices are amazing:

step 1: nourishing cleanser - website $40, amazon $23.99, costco $9.97
step 2: transport - website $58, amazon $37.19, costco $19.97
step 3: serum - website $82, amazon $55.97, costco $27.97
step 4: a-bomb - website $70, amazon $31.99, costco $16.97
step 5: double defense - website $48, amazon $22.99, costco $9.97
Total kit: website $298, amazon $172.13, costco $91.85 (including 8.24% texas sales tax) 

i've also invested in a sonic face brush. i wasn't willing to pay the $$$ for the clarisonic, nor did i think the battery operated ones, like olay, were worth while for me.  i was lucky enough see a groupon goods deal for one priced at $59 including shipping.  reviews from one user said they liked it better than their clarisonic. the main reason this won over the olay one was that it is rechargeable and it has a body brush head.  

so here's goes nothing.  i'll let you know how this all goes.  wish me luck!


Lorenz Moore said...

retino a gel is a blend of two drugs, used to treat acne, which shows up as spots or pimples on your face, chest, or back. This medication works by attacking the germs that cause them and revives sun harmed skin.

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